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Portus, the Harbour of Rome

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Portus, the harbour of ancient #Rome.
Emperor Claudius chose this site, 2.5 miles north of Ostia (Rome's original port), and his architects based their design on the famous circular port of Carthage (with inner harbour).
What I found most interesting about this was the story of the lighthouse island (best visible in pic 1). The foundations of the island were created by sinking a ship - and no ordinary ship. It was the vessel used to transport one of Egypt's giant obelisks to Rome. The obelisk first stood in the Circus of Nero, before taking its place in the centre of Vatican Square, where it stands to this day. Rather cool, I think.
Second pic (showing Portus and nearby Ostia) by the brilliant Jean-Claude Golvin




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12 hours ago, Gordopolis said:
Portus, the harbour of ancient #Rome.
Emperor Claudius chose this site, 2.5 miles north of Ostia (Rome's original port), and his architects based their design on the famous circular port of Carthage (with inner harbour).



Interesting fact. Thank you. Here’s a depiction of the Carthaginian harbor from a previous post:



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I took the course on Portus offered by FutureLearn.  It was well worth the time.  The only thing that was above my pay grade (as an elderly crotchy person)  was all new technical archaeological tools available.  They really do allow 3 dimensional thoughts about what is underground. 

Also I wish I could go back in time and see an aerial view of the port.

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