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Some of those are quite useful palimpsest. Thank you very much for supplying those; i'm certain the Byzantine enthusiasts on this site (myself very much included) will find these links very interesting.

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Some of those are quite useful palimpsest. Thank you very much for supplying those; i'm certain the Byzantine enthusiasts on this site (myself very much included) will find these links very interesting.


Glad you find them useful!






Another link on a great forum I enjoy very much:


Alexander Palace Time Machine

The Alexander Palace Discussion Board

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More very useful links! I found particularly relevant to myself the link to Australian Association of Byzantine Studies - it's surprising how many people love the ancient Romans in Australia, but have never heard of the Byzantine Romans - and i'm sure our other site members around the world interested in Byzantium will be interested in the sites you have supplied, especially since you have many sites from different countries. You must spend quite a bit of time looking up these links palimpsest!

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I must have missed this post when you fist made it in January.


You know what, I'm going to pin this sucker for the useful links.

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I wonder what you will think about this :-)

[the "romans"/byzantines coming back, hihi]

Neobyzantine project






Imagine one country - from Adriatic sea to Korea, and from Sinai desert to the North Sea.. With millions of churches all over.. With prosperity, wealth and peace,.. Faith strong as rocks in everyone. No one to enslave or torture another people in that country.. in Νέα Ρωμαϊα (New Byzantium). Could it happen? That is primarily the question for Orthodox. And the answer lies in the soul of Orthodox people, in their consciousness. Because, it could happen. It only depends of us, Orthodox.


This Union is not just matter of cultural relations, but also represent goal of our economical strivings. One liberal economy, one big market - it has a global potential. One government of experts, one army - that all guarantees modern and peaceful life on the Globe.



... as a Culturalist I can understand the mentality to some degree. It is ideas like this that lend creedence to Huntingdon's thesis that nation-states will decline and the world will be more mobilized around broader civilizational groupings.


Good luck. I however will not be moving to a Neo-Byzantium. I'd have problems following the State religion.

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Doesn't it say something about the power of Rome [and Byzantium]. Isn't it amazing that someone is still trying to bring it back? :lol:

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Most attempts to recreate Rome have been cheap knock offs. Everything from Czarist Russia to the Holy Roman Empire to the Third Reich. Feh.

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Here's a short animated flyover of Constantinople before the year 1200. If you know the excellent site Byzantium1200, you'll recognize the magnificent reconstructions:


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