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Roman name for British and Cornish people?

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Hi all,


Forgive me if this topic is in the wrong forum!


I'm trying to find out what the Romans would have called people from Britain and people from Cornwall?


I found an interesting topic on this forum which had some useful information, if anyone could possibly elaborate? http://www.unrv.com/forum/topic/8636-the-name-britain/





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Cornovii. People from Britain as a whole were either referred to by tribal name or more scornfully, 'Brittanculi'. One Roman thought the Britons, or more precisly, the Welsh, were spanish by descent and therefore described them as Albiones.

Edited by caldrail

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Welcome to UNRV frank01!


As Caldrail has already mentioned above, it is true that "Brittunculi" was a derogatory term used by the Romans when referring to native Britons. But the standard Latin name for Briton was "Britto" (plural "Brittones").


The following articles might be of interest to you for more background information:


Roman perceptions of Britain 


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Oh and this link on Cornwall also seems interesting!


Celtic Kingdoms of the British Isles

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Thank you for the information, much appreciated! Very useful links and I think I have my answer.



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