Rome Television Series Latest Topics Television Series Latest TopicsenPullo (Ray Stevenson) from “Rome” died IMG_9764.gif.2630b99c729772725757824980d222c4.gif
(Titus Pullo, while searching for his friend Vorenus after the Battle of Mutina, meets a grown Octavian.)

Ray Stevenson, who played Pullo in the HBO series “Rome”,” has died at the age of 58. Too young.




19935Tue, 23 May 2023 13:12:07 +0000
Favorite archeo tours by video? Here goes a bunch of mostly thumbnailed videos introducing Roman archeology visitation sites. Find ones you like, then you can hunt videos in more depth. As this can be ungainly to load, I have an alternate list version in perhaps a more fitting location at

One really remarkable series on youtube that includes Roman sites is  . Put it on a big screen in 4K and turn on closed captions which has a lot of historical footnotes. See his Hadrian's Villa, Appian Way, Pompeii, Herculeum, etc and feel free to post comments there. I think he gets the low level details right but not the background context, which folks here would know better. There are a bunch of similar, really copycat, channels that I think don't quite measure up.  has a more scholarly slant, and more channels which I will try to recall and append here. Maybe it would be better to post each good video.

19211Thu, 28 Oct 2021 06:15:59 +0000
Rome and the Barbarians video course Here, in this awkward topic fit, is praise of a high quality video course. It used to cost $hundreds but now can be found for little as used disks on ebay, or streamed for free from your library. My library streams a rotating selection of "Great Courses" from an app called Kanopy. It's best to access video rather than just audio due to good maps, etc. Anyway the professor is very knowledgeable and engaging even tho a bit stiff and a pirate accent (making everything sound like "rrrr"). I avoided it for a while due to not wanting to dwell on Rome's sad end. But it has a rich focus on Roman ways and comparisons with my barbaric ancestors.


19231Mon, 08 Nov 2021 10:47:44 +0000
Meet The Romans With Mary Beard the first episode in a new series exploring Rome from the bottom up, Professor Mary Beard asks not what the Romans did for us, but what the Empire did for Rome.


All roads lead to Rome, but this isn

15859Sun, 08 Apr 2012 04:56:18 +0000
Mistakes In Hbo's Rome setter.


Antony sends the dwarf to summon Vorenus and offers him a promotion and 'a ten thousand denarii signing bonus'. Vorenus declines and says he intends to start a business.

"What business do you plan on starting" says Antony

"Importing from Gaul" answers Vorenus.

Antony- "Importing what?"

Vorenus- "Slaves, truffles, wine...That sort of thing"

"Your going to be a grocer!" Guffaws Antony.


My attention was caught by the 'importing wine' FROM Gaul to Rome (in 50BC).

Around this time the Gauls were exchanging one slave for a single amphora of Roman wine.


So wouldn't importing wine from Gaul be like smuggling heroin INTO Afghanistan in our time?

5105Sun, 29 Oct 2006 14:54:26 +0000
How many times have you watched Rome? I've decided to re-watch the two series of HBO's Rome, and I'm currently on Season one, Episode four - "Stealing from Saturn". I realised that I had left series 2 half unwatched after I recieved it over a year ago. I also realised that I had actually forgotten a lot of what took place in both series.


Like most books you tend to get a greater appreciation of them the more times you read them, and this is probably true of television series as well. I've seen I, Claudius several times (on digital television when I had that, and on DVD) and It improves with every viewing.


Hopefully Rome will have the same effect.


Has anyone else watched the series multiple times, or have you let the DVDs gather dust on your shelf?

8990Thu, 25 Sep 2008 23:26:08 +0000
Hbo Rome and... BBC too too shabby. I really liked the opening battle sequence with the century in combat against the Gauls.


The actor playing Cato captures what I think of him pretty well, maybe not as stubborn but close. Pompey is sufficiently weak-willed and living on past glory; great realistic quote he has on stomping his feet and making legions appear. The actor playing Caesar also comes across well, maybe a bit more reflective and less energetic but it's still early in the show. The surrender of Vercingetorix was great, although I thought he sat at Caesar's feet [which wasn't shown].


The sub-story line between the centurion and drunken legionairre, although not based on anything real, looks promising enough. I think it gives you the feel for the average soldiers pov. I also think they capture the political intrigue of Rome well enough.


The legion's look like someone did their homework. On the pre-show they pointed out that 65 actors playing legionairres lived together and trained for two weeks on battle drills, marching, etc. And they were mostly played by my 'peeps' the Italians [the show was filmed in Italy].


The streets of the city are very colorful, much more reflective of what Rome looked like than the plain stone remnants today. Lots of graffiti, paintings etc.


Nudity and sex? Oh yes.

2025Mon, 29 Aug 2005 02:19:54 +0000
Gold reserves of the republic was the name of the gold reserves? 

18474Sun, 04 Dec 2016 18:03:59 +0000
So What About SPARTACUS The Series? am nearly done watching the final season of this show.  It is unmitigated tripe, IMO, grossly overdone and completely inaccurate, cashing in on the popularity of ROME and 300 by cramming as much graphic violence and nudity into each episode as possible.



And yet . . .


it's just enough of a well-written soap opera that I cannot leave it alone, and here and there it shows moments of true brilliance.


It's not ROME, it's not GLADIATOR. but at the same time, it is somewhat entertaining.


What sayeth the Conscript Fathers of this forum?

18092Fri, 27 Mar 2015 18:29:11 +0000
Roman Demeter NBC have signed diminutive actress Holly Hampstead to play a girl who becomes the Roman corn goddess.


It's going to be a mini-Ceres.

16451Thu, 13 Dec 2012 19:32:29 +0000
ROME ON TV---LEGITIMACY: THEN AND NOW 2005 to 2007, the first two years of my full retirement from FT, PT and casual-volunteer work, the British-American

15967Thu, 17 May 2012 08:16:16 +0000
Movies or series I would love to see: think it would be interesting to see the reign of Augustus. He had a long life. He kept marrying his daughter Julia off. He married her to Tiberius and that was a disaster. I think the releationship with Julia and her father would be very interesting if it historically acurate.

Would someone PLEASE, make a movie about Sulla? Sulla was in the movie Caesar with Jeremy Sisto. It was nice to have a glimps of Sulla. I am not sure who would play Sulla. Either they would have to age an actor, or find an older Sulla. I think Sulla's appearance changed a lot as he got older. The other movie I would love to see is about the Gracchi.

So, if Bruno Heller ever lurks around this site, please look into it.

Any other writer, produce, actor, actress or director please be sure to lurk

9384Mon, 09 Feb 2009 03:53:38 +0000
When Rome Ruled on National Geo. channel brought this new series to my attention, and I tried to find the thread but was unable to. I was able to catch most of the first episode Sunday night about the Colosseum, and then there followed another episode about Caligula. I decided after watching awhile that there wasn't any real new info presented, but there were some interesting graphics (reconstruction of the amphitheater); didn't watch the second one on Caligula as I suspected same ole', same ole' as well. Anyone watch?


Tonight's episode (9pm) deals with Pompeii, so I'll have to watch to see if and how they present any new facts. I'm sure the graphics, again, will be good. The second episode profiles Julius Caesar.

11679Mon, 13 Dec 2010 22:51:49 +0000
Favorite Episode or Scene in HBO's Rome of my favorite scenes is when Marc Antony presents himself at the House of Brutus after Caesar's assissination. He is so polite and in good cheer. Antony says he is going to serve out his term as consul and then retire, like Cincinnatus, grow crops and do my slaves. "I am through with politics, you play to rough for me, knives in the senate, I didn't think you had it in you". Servilla then asks if they could have some time to think about it. Antony says "take all the time you want, I'll wait outside". To me, that is so funny. Brutus and the gang were probably expecting a couple of days, and Antony is waiting outside for the answer.

8408Wed, 23 Apr 2008 03:52:25 +0000
Rome 2nd season review"Bad sex, it is said, is still pretty good, insofar as it is preferable to no sex at all. Unfortunately one cannot say the same thing about bad history. One spends too long in anticipation and preparation; the actual event proceeds rather clumsily; and when the climax (such as it is) finally arrives, one gets the sense it was hardly worth it. I do not mean to suggest that I am UNRV's resident expert on bad sex, but after watching the 2nd season of "Rome" I know a thing or two about bad history. The problem with "Rome" is precisely that its sex is better than its history and left me feeling like a dirty whore for watching it."...

8263Mon, 24 Mar 2008 21:31:16 +0000
Rome Soundtrack help needed there,

I need some help with the wonderful Jeff Beal's soundtrack to the Rome Television Series

All music is from Season One but I would like to know which episode each song is coming from

I would like to rewatch that particular scene on DVD and then listen to the corresponding music on CD

Thanks in advance!!

Btw, is a CD from Season Two foreseen?



1. Rome Main Title Theme (01:33)

2. The Forum (01:41)

3. Terrible News (01:13)

4. Niobe's Theme (03:14)

5. The Battle Has Begun (Caesar's Theme) (03:12)

6. Octavian & Octavia's Theme (02:02)

7. Riot in the Senate, Pullo Finds the Gold (04:06)

contains dialog

8. Caesar Reunites with Servilla (02:41)

9. Janus Breaks (01:48)

10. Marshall Law, The Temple (02:14)

11. Caesar's Seizure (02:34)

12. Hell Hath No Fury (02:27)

13. Vorenus Made Evocati, Servilla's Curse (05:06)

14. Farewells, The Storm (03:18)

15. The Raft (03:22)

16. The Death of Pompey (04:57)

17. Octavia Seduces Octavian (02:28)

18. Cleopatra Seduces Caesar (03:50)

19. Triumph (07:08)

20. Mark Antony & Atia (01:38)

21. Vorenus Saves Pullo (05:35)

22. The Murder of Julius Caesar (03:13)

23. Niobe's Fate (05:13)

10566Thu, 10 Dec 2009 11:09:24 +0000
Hinds' Caesar

4909Thu, 05 Oct 2006 10:12:54 +0000
ROME the FILM is being planned?? So says Ray Stevenson (Titus Pullo) a great fan of the first series and as a:


Liker :Dloather :angry:engrossed :ph34r:indifferent :huh: , viewer of the second,


This comes as interesting news.... Ray Stevenson has spoken in an interview of discussions under way for a ROME feature film.


Click the link below:

Rome the Film!


dated 28th of Feb 2008, so it has been recently considered...



8147Tue, 04 Mar 2008 01:24:50 +0000
Request a favour someone with the second season and some basic technical knowledge do me a favour and get a few screen caps of Antony's tattoo in the final episode? As detailed as possible if you would be so kind, thanks in advance if someone can do this.

6905Sun, 22 Jul 2007 21:55:55 +0000
Veracity Of Hbos Rome work put into series one of "Rome" is enormous , those possessing the box set will be aware of the "Historical Advisor" who was employed to ensure veracity of the "world" of Rome. As can be divined from the commentaries some things "slipped the net" , some were unavoidable and others were open to interpretation.

A couple of my favourite things were : the "stunt dog" ie: the labrador/cross that spent a lot of time eating scraps of food (when Pullo and Octavian emerged from the sewer for example) offset from main camera shot,but you can see him often if you look hard! Also the non-Roman parrot in Attia's house, how did he fly from Australia?

These are minor geek things , what of more obvious difficulties? The disciplinary lashing of Pullo is a case in point , 10 lashes in the Legion were a serious punishment, and the light cuts he suffered were not anywhere near the reality of this severe punishment:

That Pullo could walk away from such a punishment seems unlikely.


On the other hand there are "creative ideas" that may not be verifiable, but that give flavour to the narrative:

Cleopatara's hair may be outrageous, but is it an unreasonable conceit?

4767Mon, 18 Sep 2006 21:24:31 +0000