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Meet The Romans With Mary Beard

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In the first episode in a new series exploring Rome from the bottom up, Professor Mary Beard asks not what the Romans did for us, but what the Empire did for Rome.


All roads lead to Rome, but this isn

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I don't suppose we'll be lucky enough to view this over here in US.

There is a froyo android app that can stream that BBC two by liryc called live TV. It works very well except on newer versions of andriod. There are many other versions of euro TV streamers, but I don't know if BBC 2 is covered. Also this forum posted a huge web repository of documentaries where it might end up.

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Oops, it appears the nice android TV streamers have abandoned BBC2 for BBC4. Maybe this does the trick on a laptop http://nowwatchtvlive.com/2011/07/watch-bbc-two-uk-live-bbc-two-online-channel/ . Or google for it yourself and practice hitting the right timezone offset before the Beard broadcast. I guess BBC2 is only relayed by grey-market sites which throw their own commercials at you... or viruses. I wonder if the below is the documentary list I was thinking of:



Here's a rather extensive list of documentaries available online. (Thanks CanadianEH for the link):



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FYI - All 3 episodes of "Meet the Romans" can be viewed on YouTube.

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Mary Beard is a really good Roman historian whose written works are definitely an authority on the subject of Roman history.

I have also enjoyed her TV documentaries, particularly the one where she introduced audiences to the emperor Elagabalus. Her excellent analysis and conclusions were an excellent primer for any newcomer to the study of that era in Roman history.

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She is worth listening to. I do disagree with her definition of Princeps (She says they were emperors, no question, whereas I regard them as more of a hybrid ruler over sections of the empire until the Dominate)

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